Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thinking about the International University of Monaco?

What can we say, another year at the International University of Monaco is finished.

What can we tell the people for next year who are coming to expect? Expect a small class size. That normally sounds great but what it also means is that your MBA class will be shared with masters students. And if you thought a 400 score on the GMAT would guaruntee a low level of maturity, sharing your classroom with 15 or so 20 year old masters student, most of which came right from the bachelor program, you'll be shocked.

Rumors are abounding that IUM is painting and renovating the 2nd floor and the classroom. Yes, the classroom. There is only one, with movie theatre style seating that proves to make cramped quarters even more so. The room is called MBA2.... we never figured out where MBA1 was. Maybe it was just a clever marketing ploy to make the hallway which they call a university seem bigger.

What about study areas?
IUM has them... they are called round tables in square cubes along the hallway. With the amount of foot traffic on the floor, you can rest assured that there won't be any quiet time.

There is a study room in the back, behind the infamous MBA2. That has enough seating for 15 students. Again, not very quiet, and when the AC doesn't work (which is the norm), it gets real stuffy, real fast.

But you can always go to the library... With enough seats to hold 15 or 20 students, and the size of a small studio apartment in London, you aren't going to find much room there either.

In the MFIN program, we have our own room that was separated off from the rest of the school, thank goodness for that.


Anonymous said...

I actually heard from Prof. Peterson that goats used to live in the library and that for real they used to eat the goats.

Anonymous said...


Could someone please give an update about the current situation inside IUM?
Since I am now deciding wether or not applying for next year, I really need to know if anything has changed in these last 3 years (?).

Thank you in advance!